Cutaneous ageing it`s a slowly process , that
starts it` s clinical change perfidious after the
age of 35.

The mainly cause of cutaneous ageing process
is the accumulation of superoxyds (free acids) :
superoyds ions, the hydroxide anion, peroxide of hy-
drogen and the singhalet oxygen.

The free radicals can appear after the cells oxidoreduc-
tion process during the human body normal methabo-
lism, but also they can appear after exhibiting to envi-
ronment pollution, noxas, smoking,
uV radiations, alchool and drugs consmption, after

The cutaneous ageing is the consequence of two pro-
cesses : the extrinsic ageing ( photo ageing) and the
intrinsic ageing ( the chronological one).
the chronological one has a genetic propensity .
the ageing skin is clinical characterised by losingit`s
normal texture, tonus, resilence and firmness.
the skin becomes thin, translucid and that makes possi-
ble seeing the undernith dilated vessels, that lost their
resilience: teleangiectasia.

It becomes dryed, serous because of the substraction
of sebaceous and sudoriparous secretion with an im-
portant role for maintaining the protective, hidrolipidic
lubricant cutaneous film that ensures skin`s flexibility
and a ph of 4, - , .

It has a pigmentation which is not homogenous -
through the appearance of the lentigo, actinic Kera-
tosis and seborrhoeic Kerastosis especially when one
expose to the sun radiations.

After that we can see the wrinkles: expression wrinkles
and then the deep ones. after losing the hypodermic
grease the cheeks and the eyes widen, the eyelids fall,
it appears the goitre, the superiour lip becomes thin,
the skin looks flabby, depened, and we can see grossly
and vertical wrinkles arond the lips .
the clinical manifestations are the consequence of the
next pathological changes:
● at the epidermic level the capacity of cells renovation
goes down, the epiderm is thin.
● the dermic level is characterised by the decrease of
the collagen and elastic fibras which is caused by fibro-
blasts and growth of colagenosis and methaloprotei-
nasis activity, and also growth of glycosided collagen
the cause for cells death, the derm is atrophied.
● the pigmentattion changes are the consequence of
the lipofuscines accumulation in fibroblasts and the
oresence of melanic cells at the demo-epidermial junc-

The causative for the superficial wrinkles is the elastic
fibras deterioration.
the expression wrinkles are the consequence of facial
repeated movement with the secondary and frequency
contractions of facial muscles, and from the morfo-
pathological point of view it`s the densification ofder-
moepidermical junction.

The deep wrinkles are caused by the deterioration of
the elastic fibras.
The gravitational wrinkles appear after losing the resi-
lence of the skin and of the cellular hypodermic tissue
the adipose tissue is slided, and the derm is relaxed.

Visit Gerovital H3 Romanian store:

GEROVITAL H3 and ASLAVITAL – The first “ANTI-AGING” treatment in the world

Romanian Anti Aging Magazine
Cornelia Rusu, Daniela Gradinaru, Claudia Borsa, Cristina Ionescu
“Ana Aslan” National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Bucharest, Romania

Ever since 1952, multidisciplinary research on
aging in romania has been initiated as a priority
by professor dr. ana aslan. the priority lies in
three directions established for gerontological research
and acknowledged worldwide since then: clinical in-
vestigations, experimental research and social sciences

At the same time, a large prophylaxis campaign with
Gerovital H3 (GH3) (procaine hydrochloride-2%, ben-
zoic acid-0.12%, disodium phosphate-0.01% and potas-
sium metabisulphite-0.10%, pH 3.3) and Aslavital (pro-
caine hydrochloride-2%, benzoic acid-0.12%, disodium
phosphate and L-glutamic acid potassium salt-1.2% and
potassium metabisulphite-0.10%, pH 3.3) - as procaine
based medication - was launched in the sixties and sev-
Ana Aslan envisaged and discovered procaine therapeu-
tic actions subsequent to long term treatment in low
doses with curative and preventive roles. as certified
by physicians and researchers, gh and aslavital had
been more effective than procaine from the point of
view of tolerance and efficacy. at cellular and molecu-
lar levels, procaine and its metabolites action sites are
multiple. procaine binds to membrane constituents and
interacts in a series of ion channels.

The compound has influence on metabolic pathways
involving intracellular signal molecules. primary and
secondary metabolites of procaine participate as pre-
cursors in synthesis of essential molecules for cellular
metabolism. procaine, gh and aslavital have antioxidant action:
inhibit reactive oxygen species generation
and lipid peroxidation in enzymatic and nonenzymatic
systems associated with a modulating effect on anti-
oxidant enzymes. gh and aslavital exert their action
on the atherogenesis process by lipid and lipoproteins-
lowering effects, procaine action on the erythrocyte
membrane and by antioxidant mechanisms. gh and
aslavital could be included in the category of revers-
ible and competitive mao inhibitors.

Their clinical use was warranted in studies of depres-
sion carried out in late eighties. gh and aslavital
modulate mechanisms of aging at cellular and molecu-
lar levels, as well as common mechanisms of chronic
degenerative age related diseases. these two romanian
drugs may be considered as marking the next great era
in gerontoprophylaxis.

Find Ana Aslan cosmetics online at


Anti-Aging Therapy with Gerovital H3.


After the age of 40, therapy with Gerovital H3, pills and injections, can be started.
Gerovital H3 formula represents a proved method to hold back the aging process, an effective way to fight against and treat chronic degenerative diseases.

Gerovital H3 recommendations:

*Muscles and Joints Diseases: Degenerative Diseases, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis;
*Nervous System Diseases: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and syndrome, Postapoplectic conditions;
*Skin Diseases: Scleroderma, Psoriasis, Ichthyosis (fish skin disease), Bronchial Asthma;
*Cardiovascular and Gastrointestinal Diseases;
*Tegument Dystrophies, Trophic Ulcers and Atonic Wounds;
*Depressive Syndromes (moderate and light);
*Deficit of attention, concentrating and cognitive process;
*Neural-vegetative disorders;
*Chronic fatigue syndrome and sleep disorders;
*Management of the sexual life.

Gerovital H3 effects:

*increases the desire to be active and useful;
*improves affective tone, physical and physic balance;
*reduces body rigidity, increases body flexibility and moving abilities;
*balances endocrine functions, stimulates oestrogen reappearance and androgens reactivation; ameliorates sex management;
*alleviates chronic disease symptoms;
*raises the quality of life by decelerating the rhythm of aging and having a substantial and valuable role in preventing chronic diseases;

Gerovital H3 administration:

PROPHYLACTIC Therapy with Gerovital H3 tablets:

To anticipate and restrain the chronic diseases of the seniority and to partially reverse the aging progress, a prophylactic therapy may start from the age of 40.

Series of 25 pills for 12 days, 2pills/day:
- 1 Gerovital H3 pill in 2 hours after breakfast (example: breakfast at 08.00am, pill at 10.00 am);
- 1 Gerovital H3 pill in 2 hours after lunch (example: lunch at 12.00, pill at 04.00 pm);

General therapy for one year consists in 5 series of 25 pills with adequate breaks, after every course.
This schedule may increase to 6 series for patients over 65 years.

CURATIVE Therapy with Gerovital H3 tablets and injections:
Before starting the therapy with injections, do the tests for allergy: first injection 1ml; after 24 hours, second injection 2ml.
If no allergic reactions appear, the therapy may proceed.
The reactions that may occur are: rash, itching, eruption, vertigo, headache, cephalic heating sensation or a metallic taste. In most cases, these body reactions show in patients over 80 years.
Studies have revealed that the intolerance appear in 1 of 7000 cases.

A healing and restorative therapy in degenerative chronic diseases involves a schedule of 6 cures of 12 injections and 5 cures of 24 pills during a year.

- 3 Gerovital H3 injection/ week for 4 weeks;
- 2 weeks break;
- 2 Gerovital H3 pills/ day for 12 days;
- 2 weeks break;

Then resume the schedule.
Note: After injection, the patient school rest for 10-15 minutes.

Gerovital H3 contraindications and limits of use:

This drug should not be put in practice together with Physostigmine (also called Eserine) – a crystalline alkaloid used in medicine as a miotic and cholinergic agent and to enhance memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Also, it should not be combined with Prostigmin - a parasympathetic drug that acts as a reversible inhibitor to acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme which breaks down acetylcholine (ACh) in cholinergic nerve endings. It is used clinically to treat Myasthenia Gravis, Paralytic Ileus and Urine Retention.
It is advisable not to apply Gerovital H3 in the same time with Sulphamides, because the interaction in the bacterial metabolism.

Gerovital H3 therapy is not recommended in the following conditions: severe hepatic diseases; renal failure; severe arterial high blood pressure; febrile states.

Gerovital H3 precautions:

*Apply prudently in cases of epilepsy or high blood pressure.
*Studies revealed no situation of drug addiction.
*No evidence regarding human fetus risk.

Gerovital H3 over dosage:

Drug intoxication develops over 400mg IV (intravenous) rapid injection. It manifests as convulsions, low blood pressure, coma. At this time apply treatment for any acute intoxication. No chronic intoxication occurred in clinical studies and practice.

Gerovital Shop:

next: Specifications for patients.


10 commandments.

Can we do something indeed?
Can we postpone the aging?
Can we reverse the age?
Can we, at least, delay it?

Or, should we train for the coming old age?

The great question of the science is ‘Why the human body age?’
We all know the fact that the cells totally renew every 7 years.
So, why the scares remain on the skin, why the wrinkles appear and, in the end, why do we age?

Many physicians asked that question, but the answer is still to come.
The same question changed completely the life and career of one of them, the Romanian Dr. Ana Aslan, a brilliant woman and a complex personality.
At the age of 50, from an Internist and Cardiologist Physician, Dr. Aslan started a new and exciting life in Geriatrics and Gerontology.

She tried her best to make human’s life easier, to improve the condition of the elderly and to consider them more that ‘the life’s broken toys’; in a few words, we can say Dr. Aslan tried to make real what we can only dare to dream: to live with dignity and pride, as long as we possibly can.

And she succeeded.
She was the first physician and scientist that raised the aging subject above the ordinary. She unlocked the door to another path: prevention and treatment of the old age.
She invented and patterned the best geriatric treatment, the world famous formula Gerovital H3.

For the first time, in 1956, Dr. Ana Aslan introduced the concept of GerontoProphylaxis. For us, this is a synthesis of recommendations for delaying the aging process and remaining healthy and active.

There can be found a lot of goals in our life to achieve them.
But, few of them, must be the most significant. We have to think and talk about them, we have to apply them, we have to obligatory achieve them.

1. Pay attention to what we are eating and how much water we drink, because the food is the secret to an extended healthy life.

2. Start to move, because our body needs to be active.

3. Sex is recommended at any age.

4. In our minds and souls, we know the old age is coming. Sooner or later, better never. So, train for aging.

5. Think about a better way to live the days of aging. Act for that purpose.

6. Avoid the stress of any kind. It can never bring something good.

7. Loneliness causes depression. Depression causes loneliness. Resist and fight against them. Do something pleasant! Listen some music… that’s an idea!

8. Both internal and external health is important. For some internal conditions, they are still looking for solutions. For our look the solution is found: cosmetics.

9. Prophylaxis is ‘art and science’. Use it to prevent chronic diseases.

10. The drug of intelligence – Gerovital H3.

next: Gerovital H3 - Anti-Aging Therapy.